ca41e8d3 44d7 4eea 9bf6 bcfddbed9a48 pcs 2067572 - Nuclear Power, a.s.

Scope of the project

Support to the Construction Supervision of Contractors (i.e. Mechanical, HVAC and Electrical/Instruments and Control, Civil works), essentially consisting of the following tasks/activities

• check the compliance with Slovenské Elektrárne HSE policy and procedures, as well as of the applicable local/country laws/regulations, throughout the execution of construction activities at jobsite;

• check and enforce that the relevant scope/task of responsibility by the relevant Technological Contractor is performed according to the project plan, at the required level of quality, on schedule, safely and in compliance with applicable legislation;

• verify/ascertain the compliance of the works and plant systems to the applicable technical drawings/documents and thus to the applicable contractual requirements;

• check and enforce the hand-over of workplaces to Technological Contractors (including civil readiness) according to the construction schedule;

• check and enforce the compliance of the technical as well as of the schedule interfaces between the technological systems and the civil installations/parts;

• check and enforce the compliance of the technical as well as of the schedule interfaces between the respective Technological Contractors concurrently operating within each area/room (machinery-machinery, machinery-electrical, machinery-I&C, electrical-I&C, and the like);

• monitor contractors’ and suppliers’ performance at jobsite in terms of technical/quality compliance, progress performance, actual productivities, manpower loading histogram, etc.…, Scoped at identifying any potential criticality and thus the corresponding mitigations and/or recovery actions;

• support the progress status reporting of jobsite activities in cooperation to the site planning/reporting function onsite (namely detailed technical identification/featuring of the actual/required completion status for each scheduled activity within each room, to be carried out against the applicable drawings/documents, and advance analysis of gaps) as well as to any detailed schedule forecasting re-assessment (in case of unplanned occurrences or contractor’s underperformance);

• check and enforce the application of the applicable QA/QC standards/procedures (i.e. pursue of ITP’s, qualifications, certification) throughout the construction phase;

• provide support to the adequate management of project/design changes and/or non-conformities arisen at the jobsite stage;

• provide management of the as-built documentations to be provided by Technological Contractors at works completion Support to Turn-Over process of plant systems from construction to commissioning (as well as to Hand-Over of areas/rooms from Civil to Technological Contractors, i.e. to undergo to strict clean erection conditions), essentially consisting of the following tasks/activities

• check and enforce the application of Slovenské Elektrárne HSE policy and procedures, as well as of the applicable local/country laws/regulations, throughout the execution of construction and commissioning activities at jobsite;

• check and enforce that the relevant scope/task of responsibility (i.e. hand-over/turn-over management) is carried out according to the project plan, at the required level of quality, on schedule, safely and in compliance with applicable legislation;

• support the management/monitoring of system turn-over from construction to commissioning, according to the agreed schedule and level of completion (i.e. testing, certifications, documentations, …)

• support to punch-listing onsite and to relevant follow-up, to achieve systems completion and thus turn-over to commissioning;

• monitor the as-built documentations to be provided by Technological Contractors at works completion;

• perform the detailed assessment of corrective actions deriving from criticalities in erection activities schedule highlighted by Turn-Over Management Group in Commissioning Unit

Role of company in the project:

Providing services in scope of the Project:

• Support to Construction and Coordination of mechanical works
• Support to Construction and Coordination of electrical and instrumentation works
• Support to Construction and Coordination of Civil works
• Assistance to mechanical completion of turn over packages
• Onsite Control/Monitoring of Civil works carried out by civil contractor